Materials Tests

  1. 平板玻璃或塑膠耐撞擊性能檢測;
    Impact Resistance Test for Flat Safety Glass or Plastics;

  2. 玻璃熱浸見證;
    Heat Soak Test;

  3. 凝土預埋錨件抗拉和抗剪性能檢測;
    Tensile Test & Shear Test for Channel and Anchor in Concrete and Masonry;

  4. 金屬材料抗拉和抗壓系能檢測;
    Tensile Test & Compression Test for Metallic Materials;

  5. 金屬表面塗層的耐候性能檢測:主要包括紫外光(UV)加速老化試驗和鹽霧加速腐蝕測試。
    Weather Resistant Test for Metallic Materials and Coating:
    - Fluorescent UV - Condensation Exposures of Metallic Materials and Coating.
    - Salt Spray (Fog) of Metallic Materials and Coating.